Monday, October 3, 2022


Band of Angels Reflection 

We watched another movie in class on the topic of slavery called, "Band of Angels", however this one took place almost  20 years later than the famous "Gone with the Wind" we had watched prior. It was interesting to see the difference between them. 

Band of Angels - Wikipedia

The first difference I saw was the difference in how people treated slaves. One of the main characters, Hamish Bond, was not like normal slave owners and actually treated his slaves like everyone else. He had some of them since they were babies and treated them like children. One of these slaves were named Rau-Ro. Throughout the first part of the movie Rau-Ro was very kind and respectful, but he seemed to have an underlying anger toward Hamish. This full anger shows at the very end of the movie when he pointed a gun at Hamish and threatened to kill him. He wanted to capture him because there was a bounty out for his arrest and he wanted the money to make a life of his own. While Hamish could've died, he talked his way out of it by telling Rau-Ro the story of how he saved him from burning in Africa with the other children. After hearing this touching story, Rau-Ro handcuffed him with the keys still inside so he could escape and be free. He then led the main character, Amantha Star, back to Hamish because they loved each other. In the end Rau-Ro was happy because Hamish was free, and Hamish was proud of Rau-Ro. 

Sidney Poitier Photos, News, and Videos | Just Jared

Another difference I saw was how they treated Amantha knowing that she was only a little bit black. They even sold her as a slave, but Hamish came to save the day. At first Amantha was scared of Hamish, and livid over the fact that he would buy her then try to be nice to her. She then grew to love him as he showed her how good he was to his slaves and to everyone. 

I really liked this movie but I like "Gone with the Wind" better. I liked the plot in the other movie better, but they were both very good movies for their time. 

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